
埃琳娜·克劳和卡西卡·萨西库玛,罗伯特·C. 贝恩


“杰出服务奖”是为表彰杰出服务的教员而设立的 in a leadership capacity to the University and/or the 社区 or profession that 给圣何塞州立大学带来了荣誉.

Shamita Rai (left-most) and Ariza Ali (right-most) pictured with Cynthia Teniente-Matson and Mayor Matt Mahan

Service-Learning Helps Establish a Partnership Agreement with the City of San Jose

这所大学第一次达成了一项全面协议,使课程成为可能 为所有菠菜网lol正规平台学生在圣何塞市的所有部门提供实习机会. 的 long-standing agreements with the San José Public Library and the City’s Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services Department enabled 菠菜网lol正规平台 service-learners to complete projects 在这些领域内,并作为一揽子协定概念的证明.



Contributors to Reframing Community Engagement in Higher 教育 edited by Elena Klaw、Andrea Tully和Elaine Ikeda分享了当前的挑战和最佳实践 在社区参与学习作为大学课程的一部分. 他们还谈到 what they believe are the most important actions higher education institutions should 创造一个更美好的社会.



During our Center’s third annual Day of Action Against Gun Violence changemakers representing local and national organizations presented perspectives and opportunities to reduce 枪支暴力和让自由阅读!


Reframing Community Engagement in Higher 教育 edited by Elena Klaw, Andrea Tully, 伊莱恩·K. Ikeda

This timely book addresses assumptions and challenges inherent within 社区 engagement as a catalyst for developing students’ sense of civic responsibility at a time of 社会两极分化严重. Promoting academic development and life skills through the high-impact practice of service-learning, the book explores a new ecological framework for reflecting on and 提高实践. 这本书描述了新的模式,提供了建立联盟的建议, and presents the narratives of 社区-engaged professionals and faculty, offering a sense both of tensions inherent in this work and examples of initiatives in local 上下文. 章节主要反映了需要采取什么行动来实现我们的目标 公共目标和阻碍我们前进的因素. This book provides guidance, examples, and benchmarks for best practices in 社区 engagement that are particularly relevant to this time of crises and unrest and will be relevant to 社区-engaged professionals, higher education faculty, and college 管理员.


大学军团研究员Jose Luiz Sarabia Torres出现在华盛顿广场 杂志

的y also give college students the opportunity to get a perspective on the real world. 的y’re always focused on academics, textbooks, exams — but they rarely put themselves 走出去,看看课堂之外的生活. 它打开了他们的眼睛,让他们看到它是什么 like in another individual’s shoes, whether that includes struggling with food insecurity or a language barrier that prevents some families from helping their students succeed 在学业上.



圣何塞州立大学的学生、教职员工聚集在奥林匹克黑旗前 在四月的权力雕像参加菠菜网lol正规平台反枪支暴力行动日活动.




California formally launched its first tutoring initiative for K-12 students Friday 当政府. 加文·纽森(Gavin lol菠菜网正规平台om)管理了数百所大学的承诺 students who are participating in a new state-funded service program, #CaliforniansForAll 大学兵团.


我们的同事William Ngo正在教一名学生计算机科学.


California Governor Gavin lol菠菜网正规平台om stated that, “he strongly believes that this little-known 这个计划使他作为州长所做的一切都让他感到骄傲。”.

在SF Chronicle网站上了解更多信息.

Dr. 埃琳娜·克劳和安德里亚·塔利身着大学军团服装


Center Director and Assistant Director lead research that explores the effects of service-learning and 社区 engagement on college students, alumni, faculty, and 社区组织.




Artist, veteran and educator John Contreras, ’22 MFA Spatial Art, sees art as a conduit 为了对话和改变. 他组装了小熊维尼跌跌撞撞走过的雕塑 a dead Christopher Robin, gun lying by his side, as part of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s inaugural Day of Action Against Gun Violence, hosted by the 社区学习中心 和领导能力 (CCLL).




"圣何塞州立大学 has been selected as 一个 of the 45 colleges and universities partners for an inaugural service-based college opportunity program launched by the 加利福尼亚州. 上周,州长加文·纽森和首席服务官乔希 Fryday announced the launch of “the largest state-level investment in a college service 这是加州历史上的一个项目,”加州志愿者办公室说 总督的官方lol菠菜网正规平台稿."



菠菜网lol正规平台 公民行动奖学金 Recognized By California’s Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday

Josh Fryday, chief service officer for the 加利福尼亚州 and head of the California Volunteers program within the Office of the Governor, visited San José State to meet 和一小群菠菜网lol正规平台的公民行动研究员一起. 学生研究员是 the university’s inaugural cohort of the 公民行动奖学金, a national service partnership between the California Volunteers, AmeriCorps and a coalition of public 私立大学




的 hub of San Jose State’s service learning operation is located in a converted Clark 厅教室. 在高辛烷值的关怀和鼓舞下跑步,小的 staff collaborates in exuberant bursts of conversation over the top of cubicle walls. 墙上和桌面上挂满了奖状、海报和工艺项目. 每一寸 空间用于学生领导力的发展,与教师进行咨询 and building partnerships with 社区组织—and all activities are linked 大学的学术使命. 20年过去了,丝毫没有放慢脚步 在社区学习和领导中心.




的 社区学习中心 和领导能力 (CCLL) and the Jay Pison STEM 教育 Program partnered this spring to offer a unique after-school program to students at 坎贝尔联合学区的谢尔曼奥克斯小学. 通过 Cyber Spartan program 菠菜网lol正规平台 students engaged as mentors and teachers to underserved 同时教他们网络安全和编程.


Left to right: Elena Klaw, CCLL faculty director and psychology professor, Rosemary Baez, executive director of Third Street Community Center and Patrick Day, vice president 学生事务.

CCLL & 菠菜网lol正规平台学院被第三街社区中心评为2019年优秀学院 社区伙伴

We are honored that Third Street Community Center recognized our Center and each college at San Jose State as its 2019 Outstanding 社区伙伴 for our significant contributions. 自2010年秋季以来,第三街的2102名志愿者中,超过70%的人都是志愿者 从菠菜网lol正规平台.




During Spring 2018, our Center received a $52,000 endowment from an anonymous donor 设立卓越服务学习捐赠奖学基金. 的养老 provides scholarships to students who have demonstrated excellence in service learning 在圣何塞产生积极影响的活动. 第一批奖学金是 awarded to students at the 2018 Service Learning and Community Engagement 奖 on 2018年5月3日,星期四.